

  • Standalone Ruby 2.2+ installation on the system. This is not intended to be used inside of SketchUp. Mac users should have Ruby already on the system, but might find it beneficial to use RVM. Windows users need to install Ruby from

  • The RuboCop gem must also be installed. RuboCop's development is moving at a very rapid pace and there are often backward-incompatible changes between minor releases (since they haven't reached version 1.0 yet). Because of this it's recommended to be explicit about the RuboCop version you install:

    gem install rubocop -v 0.93


Install the rubocop-sketchup gem:

gem install rubocop-sketchup


If you use bundler to manage you're project's dependencies put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'rubocop', ''>= 0.82', '<= 0.93''
gem 'rubocop-sketchup', '~> 0.18.0'