Basic Usage

Refer to RuboCop's own documentation for general information on how to use and configure it.

Enabling the rubocop-sketchup Extension

You need to tell RuboCop to load the rubocop-sketchup extension. There are a few ways to do this:

Put this into your .rubocop.yml in your project root:

require: rubocop-sketchup

Now you can run rubocop and it will automatically load the RuboCop SketchUp cops together with the standard cops.

Command Line Argument

You can also load it via the command line:

rubocop -r rubocop-sketchup

That will run RuboCop with all of it's own cops along with the SketchUp cops.

You can tell it to run specific departments:

rubocop -r rubocop-sketchup --only SketchupRequirements,SketchupDeprecations

Running only cops for Extension Warehouse Technical requirements

If you want to focus on only the technical requirements for having your extension hosted on Extension Warehouse then you can limit the cops to only the SketchupRequirements department. This is the most important department which you should not ignore.

require: rubocop-sketchup

  DisabledByDefault: true

  Enabled: true

Running all SketchUp Cops

In addition to the requirements for the Extension Warehouse we have additional cops that looks for common patterns which have room for improvements. To run all of them, without all the RuboCop default cops use this configuration:

require: rubocop-sketchup

  DisabledByDefault: true

  Enabled: true

  Enabled: true

  Enabled: true

  Enabled: true